How to Write a Resume - Check List

This checklist will help ensure you cover all aspects of resume preparatation. It covers very simple points, but it's amazing just how many people don't apply the basics.


  • Tailor your resume to the job description  - we've already talked about this in our previous articles. Tailoring your resume can be critical to the success of your applications, and let's face it, if you are not getting success from your application then something will need to change.


  • Cover Letter – cover letters still make up an important component of a job application. As you do with the resume, spend time to adjust and customise the job cover letter against the position you are applying for.


  • Don’t forget the phone number , email and home address – It’s amazing how many people miss this ! Stick to one email, one phone number (ideally mobile) and a physical address, not a PO box.


  • Check your referees are happy having their contact numbers listed – if you want to limit who calls your referees, and avoid your referee answering the same questions to multiple callers, then perhaps considering only listing referees at request.


  • Cross reference your resume with your LINKEDIN profile – if you have recently updated you resume, it's often best to update your LinkedIn profile at the same time.


  • Is your attachment Word.doc compatible – there are still some compatibility issues with Google Docs, MS Works and other Free Word alternatives. Check on a platform that has Microsoft Word installed that your resume looks the same on the receiving (MS Word) machine. Wrongly formatted resumes often get rejected without the sender ever knowing why.



Next on how to write a resume: Including references


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